Registration Is Easy!

Step 1 of 3: Fill In The Account Registration Form Below

eFlea Auction System Account Registration Form

Fields marked with * are required

Phone Number Note: Include area/region code, but do not include the international dialing code (country code)

Timezone Note: Please ensure your timezone is correct. Our guess may not be right.
Password Note: Minimum 6 characters. Passwords can contain letters, numbers and symbols. No spaces.
When chosing a password, please select a password that is hard to guess. Include upper case, lower case and symbols. You should choose a unique password that you do not use on other systems.
  I have read & agree to eFlea's Terms and Conditions of Service

Once Registered, an email will be sent to you with an account activation link. You must click on the link in the confirmation email in order to activate your account, otherwise you will not be able to login.

If you do not activate your account within 24 hours of registation, you may be required to re-register on the system.

You will be able to use this account for all auctions held on the eFlea Auction system.

Terms And Conditions Frequently Asked Questions Other Documentation

Didn't Receive Your Activation Code Email?

If you have not received your activation code via email within 15 minutes, you can have the activation link re-sent to your registered email address by clicking the button below.

Re-Request Activation Code

If you are having issues with the registration process please contact eFlea Registration <> to have your account manually activated. Please idicate the issues you are having, and which web browser and email client you are using.